Faith Comes By Hearing

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Children don’t understand everything they read in the Bible, but they should be taught the importance of reading the Bible at an early age. Teach them the importance of reading Scripture every day.  Let their lives be saturated by the Word Of God so they cultivate a habit of turning to the Bible for any question they might have.

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:17


This craft can also be used for the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10.

Faith Comes By Hearing


  1. Print the templates. I have included three different sizes of ears. (Template)
  2. Color the head and the ears.
  3. Cut out all of the pieces.
  4. Glue the long rectangle pieces to each side of the head/hair piece.
  5. Wrap the band around your kids head. Once you have the desired length use a couple of paper clips or a piece of tape to hold the shape. Then add glue to set it in place.
  6. Fold back the square on each ear.
  7. Add glue to each square on each ear and with the band around the childs head stick the ears in place.

I have included templates for both boys and girls.

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