
God Keeps His Promises- Coloring Page

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God Keeps His Promises Coloring Page

God Keeps His Promises

(Coloring Page)

Coloring pages are a great way to end a Sunday School lesson. They can serve as a great take home activity. Or sometimes you just need to fill in those last five minutes before the end of class.

Preview and print this free printable coloring page by clicking on the link below.

Preview And Print

Feel free to browse all of our Bible print-outs.

Noahs Ark Puzzle- Activity Sheet

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Noahs Ark PuzzleNoahs Ark Puzzle

(Activity Sheet)

Activity sheets are a great way to end a Sunday School lesson. They can serve as a great take home activity. Or sometimes you just need to fill in those last five minutes before the end of class.

Preview and print this free printable activity sheet by clicking on the link below.

Preview And Print

Feel free to browse all of our Bible print-outs.

Noahs Ark Match Game

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A great card game  to help reinforce the story of Noah and the ark.

Noahs Ark Match Game


  1. Print the template on card stock. You will need to print the second page twice. (Template)
  2. Color and cut out all of the pieces.
  3. Glue an ark piece to the back of every animal piece.

You can have the cards assembled for your kids and then all they have to do is color them in.

Noahs Ark- Coloring Page

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Noahs Arks Coloring PageNoahs Ark

(Coloring Page)

Coloring pages are a great way to end a Sunday School lesson. They can serve as a great take home activity. Or sometimes you just need to fill in those last five minutes before the end of class.

Preview and print this free printable coloring page by clicking on the link below.

Preview And Print

Feel free to browse all of our Bible print-outs.

Noah And The Ark

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This craft will be a cute way for your kids to act out the story of Noah and the ark for themselves.

Noah And The Ark 1

Noah And The Ark 2


  1. Print the template on card stock. (Template)
  2. Color and cut out all of the pieces.
  3. Glue the ocean piece onto the edge of a paper plate. The finished ocean piece will have a straight back and a curved front.
  4. With the other two pieces (the boat pieces) fold on the solid lines and the dashed lines, creating creases.
  5. Assemble the bottom part by adding glue onto the parts marked “glue”.
  6. Assemble the top part by adding glue onto the parts marked “glue”.
  7. Finish the ark by gluing the top part to the bottom part.

Noahs Ark Animal Match- Activity Sheet

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Noahs Ark Animal Match Puzzle SheetNoahs Ark Animal Match

(Activity Sheet)

Activity sheet are a great way to end a Sunday School lesson. They can serve as a great take home activity. Or sometimes you just need to fill in those last five minutes before the end of class.

Preview and print this free printable activity sheet by clicking on the link below.

Preview And Print

Feel free to browse all of our Bible print-outs.

Noahs Ark Doorknob Hanger

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One of my favorite Bible stories to make crafts for is the story of Noah’s ark, There are dozens and dozens of ideas you can play off of. The rainbow, the ark, the dove, Noah himself.

Here’s a cute craft your kids will enjoy making. It will remind them of this biblical story every time they see it.

Noahs Ark Door Hanger


  1. Print the template onto cardstock. You can use regular copy paper just be careful not to rip the craft. You can glue each piece onto construction paper for strength. (Template)
  2. Color and cut out all of the pieces.
  3. Add glue to the rectangle on the rainbow. Center the ark making sure the top of the rectangle aligns with the top of the ark.
  4. Glue on the wave, then the long strip.
  5. Finally glue on the animals.

You can adapt this craft any way you choose.

  • Add glitter to the rainbow.
  • Leave the wave off and color the long strip brown.
  • You can use stickers or foam animals.
  • Add on this cute Noah figure. (Template)

Rainbow Covenant

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“3 The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever. 14 When I send clouds over the earth, and a rainbow appears in the sky, 15 I will remember my promise to you and to all other living creatures. Never again will I let flood waters destroy all life.” Genesis 9:13-15

This craft can be used to teach the story of Noah and to help reinforce the fact that God always keeps His promises.

Rainbow Covenant


  1. Print the template. (Template)
  2. Glue cotton balls onto the cloud template.
  3. Cut out the rectangle from the template.
  4. Trace the rectangle onto six different colors of construction paper.
  5. Cut out the cloud and each individual rectangle.
  6. Glue the strips of construction paper to the back of the cloud.

To hang the cloud on a wall glue a piece of yarn in a loop to the back of the cloud.

Noahs Ark

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Noah’s ark is a favorite Bible story for many children, and this easy paper plate craft is a great way for kids to make a fun take home reminder of the lesson.

Noahs Ark


  1. Print the template. (Template)
  2. Paint a paper plate blue.
  3. Color then cut out the rainbow and the ark. (I recommend you use crayons or color pencils. As you can see I used markers and the browns and black are really dark, especially on the  animals.)
  4. Glue the ark onto the plate.
  5. Finally glue the rainbow onto the plate. If you choose not to use the rainbow, you can paint a rainbow across the top edge of the plate instead.

White Dove

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This craft can be done for different bible stories and adapted for each one. It is very versatile. It can be used for:

  •  Teaching children the story of Noah. (Genesis 6-9) You can add a branch to the birds mouth for this story.
  • Teaching children when Jesus was baptized. (Matthew 3)
  •  Or you can teach about who the Holy Spirit is.

If you have any other ideas about what other bible stories this craft can be applied to I would love to read them in the comments section.


  1. Print out the templates. (Template)
  2. Cut out the body, the wings and the feathers.
  3. Snip each individual feather around the border of the feather. (For a nice effect, before snipping the feathers, crumble them up, then snip each individual feather around the border).
  4. Then glue the feathers onto each wing. (Eight on the bottom and six on the top).
  5. Glue the wings to the body.
  6. Finally color in the beak. If the child chooses he can draw on the feet.