donkey mask

Balaam’s Donkey

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We can be very stubborn when we want to do things our way. Many times this happens when we are doing something wrong.

This craft will help the kiddos remember to always listen to what God says and not be as stubborn as Balaam.  And like Balaam’s donkey, to always speak up when it comes to standing up for God’s truth.

Balaams Donkey


  1. Print and color the template. (Template)
  2. Cut it out and glue it onto a piece on cardstock or construction paper.
  3. Cut out the template from the cardstock or construction paper.
  4. Glue on two large googly eyes and black string for the hair.
  5. Finally glue on a large craft stick for a handle.

You can also use this craft for Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem or Mary and Joseph’s trip to Bethlehem.